“Lands of Lost Borders”

Presentation at the 34th annual Wilderness and Canoe Symposium in Toronto, 24-25 February 2017
Video Presenter: 
Friday, February 22, 2019
Year of video/Session: 

HARRIS, KATE is a writer with a knack for getting lost. Her essays, journalism, and poetry have featured in The Walrus, Canadian Geographic, Arc Poetry Magazine, and The Georgia Review, among others, with citations in Best American Essays and Best American Travel Writing. A former Rhodes and Morehead-Cain scholar, and past student of science and the history of science, she has received the Ellen Meloy Desert Writers Award and a Banff Mountain Book Award, and is longlisted for the RBC Taylor Prize for literary nonfiction in Canada. Canadian Geographic named her one of “Canada’s greatest modern women explorers” for journeys edging the limits of nations and prudence, such as a long bike ride on the Silk Road and a ski traverse of the Pamir mountains chasing after Marco Polo sheep. Kate lives off-grid in a log cabin with her wife and dog on the border of British Columbia and the Yukon, with stints in Ontario for family visits and hot showers. Lands of Lost Borders is her first book.

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