“Look-at-me-Wilderness-Super-Hero critique”

Breakout Session at 2021 Wilderness and Canoe Symposium,Hosted by Iva Kinclova
Video Presenter: 
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Year of video/Session: 

HENDERSON, BOB After serving for over 20 years as a coordinator of the editorial board, I am now working as a resource editor for Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education. Additionally, I’ve been resource editor for Nastawgan: The Quarterly Journal of the Wilderness Canoe Association since 2008. My primary role as resource editor is to generate submissions for the publications. I will be editing a theme issue for Pathways on Wild Pedagogies for Spring 2020. After retiring from McMaster University in 2010, I have been doing field-based course work with universities across the country including, The University of Alberta (Augustana Campus), Laurentian University, Brock University, and McMaster University. I also co-guide a ski tour in Norway in partnership with the University of Edinburgh, Masters of Education program. Locally, I am involved in the Green Durham Association, which is concerned with conservation lands in the Uxbridge/Goodwood region. Professionally, I have active affiliations with The Canadian Adventure Therapy Symposium (CATS), Wild Pedagogy (a gathering of educators pursuing educational reform), among others.

I’m currently working on a two book publications with the working title of Lessons from the Trail: The Educator/Guide, Traveller, and Reader Experience and Waterways of Teaching edited with Sean Blenkinsop. Planning for a 1971-2021 Anti-Expedition Journey to Tseringma, Nepal in October 2021.


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